Learning to Swim

We woke up, and I noticed it was sunny outside. “It's not raining anymore, Daddy.” We were both excited. It had rained every day for the past week. Dad said it was “muddy” which I later learned to be muggy. That means hot. I didn't know it at the time, but apparently muggy meant we were going swimming. I was so excited!

We got some clothes packed, I put on my shark bathing suit and away we went.

We got there, and I jumped straight in. The water was chilly. I was having the time of my life.

My favorite part of the day was jumping off of the side into the pool.

Legs bent, back straight, deep brea… “Whoaaaaaa.” As I hit the water I turned around and saw Dad laughing. He had pushed me in the pool! I laughed too. “You got me,” I told him. “I'm going to get you now.”

Face scrunched, mind determined, I made my move.

He picked me up so fast, I spit the water out on the cement and splash. And now both of us were back in the pool. “You got me again,” I thought, but I didn't tell him that. I think my face gave it away though.

We had so much fun today. I didn't want it to end.

As Dad got out and started drying off, he let me keep swimming. I knew it was coming, and it did eventually. “Come on buddy, it's time to go,” he said.

I didn't want to, but I did. “Okay, Daddy.” After drying off and getting dressed, I was almost ready to go. I did manage to sneak in one ride on the toy motorcycle.

I hope it's muddy again tomorrow.