The Day I Learned to Fish

With the temperature hovering in the upper 50's/low 60's, it was a beautiful day to go on my very first fishing trip. Dad packed up the cooler with juice, Yoo-hoo's and sandwiches, a booksack with my iPad, and we took off down the road.

We stopped to get crickets and worms. It never crossed my mind what we would need these for but I quickly found out. “Nast-eee,” I said at first, but Dad showed me how to do it and it wasn't that bad.

I went back to watching Morphle as a robot when I heard Dad say “Finn, we're here.” It was amazing. We saw horses and donkeys and water. A lot of water. And an island. I didn't even know what that was, but I liked it.

We quickly got unpacked and started fishing.

And then it happened! The orange cork that was sitting on top of the water disappeared. Dad helped me pull back on the pole, and then I saw it for the first time. I was so excited.

I caught two before we took a snack break.

What a fun day! I caught one more fish before we decided to call it a day and go home. Dad said I was really tired, but I tried to tell him I wasn't. We got back in the car and Yawwwwwwwwn I don't remember much else.